
Rapid diagnostic detection kits

https://www.enalees.com/en/ 01609 635090

Enalees researches, develops and manufacturers LAMP PCR diagnostics tests for over 50 causative agents. LAMP PCR tests are used by Veterinarians to deliver excellent patient care disease management outbreak control through obtaining results in clinic within 30 mins. They are reliable rapid and affordable.

Epona Test

The Epona® Panel Streptococcus Lavages tests are new generation molecular tests allowing the detection & discrimination of fragments of the genomes of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi (strangles) & Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus.

How do you identify infectious animal diseases before Enalees?

After sampling, the specimens are sent to a specialised laboratory. Generally, while waiting the test results, the veterinarian has to treat the animal based on assessment. This could be highly risky for the animal, and does not offer an accurate diagnosis for the owners sake.

Using Enalees – Results in 30 minutes

  • Fast, simple, reliable and easy-to-use molecular diagnostic tests
  • 50+ References – Singular & Panel
  • Evaluations made by external laboratories -Canines: University of Liège & Equine : Labeo.

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