Vetlife is a charity dedicated to supporting the veterinary profession. PBG are supporting Vetlife to help raise awareness for their services. We plan to do this in 2024 by speaking in our member practices, raising funds and working with Vetlife on their projects.

Vet Life Website Call Vetlife 03030402551Email Support

At PBG we are advocates for mental health and the well being of everyone in practice.

We know the stats and see the toll being a person working in practice can take. We see it on social media and the news. Unfortunately sometimes we see it those closest to us and our members. One of our team lost a dear friend in 2022 to suicide. He was an outstanding vet and a beautiful soul and it all hit a little closer to home.

Our colleague was devastated and we rallied around them, to support them through a difficult time. Once the dust had settled a little, we all agreed as a team that we should be doing more. We want to be part of the solution to stop this awful (but all too prevalent) occurrence happening in our industry. So, we teamed up with Vetlife to spread awareness of their amazing organisation and services.

Vetlife aren’t just a phone service and they are there to support you before things become unmanageable. We encourage you to reach out to Vetlife if you’re finding things difficult. Vetlife are there for when you are having a bad day, it’s always best to call them before things really start piling up.

We know how sometimes just a friendly ear at the end of the phone can really make the difference. Vetlife can really help with a range of issues, so please save their number in your phone today – 03030 402 551.

You show up everyday for your patients and their owners, however as humans we often neglect our own mental health. Take the time to show up for yourself.

We will be raising awareness and vital funds through various means and will keep you updated!

How can Vetlife Support You?

Everyone in the veterinary community is welcome to contact the Vetlife Helpline for free, independent and confidential support – including veterinary nurses, veterinary students, and non-clinical staff. The Helpline can be reached on 0303 040 2551 or by anonymous email.

The Vetlife Helpline volunteers are all from a veterinary background, so have a first-hand understanding of the type of issues affecting the profession, although concerns do not need to be work related. Contacts do not need to be in a crisis to get in touch with Vetlife, those who need to talk should reach out for support as soon as possible, before issues progress. Contacts are also encouraged from those concerned about friends or colleagues.

Following contact with the Vetlife Helpline, volunteers can refer those needing further care to our award-winning Vetlife Health Support service. Vetlife Health Support can help with a range of mental health difficulties, including stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol, and drug misuse, and eating disorders.

Vetlife Financial Support is available for eligible veterinary surgeons, registered veterinary nurses, and their dependants in the UK. For those facing financial hardship we can provide: immediate emergency assistance, regular monthly grants, one off gifts, professional advice on State benefits and debt, access to CPD and bungalow accommodation in Dorset. Vetlife Financial Support is available for eligible veterinary surgeons, registered veterinary nurses, and their dependants in the UK.

Over the past few years, the demand for these services has seen a remarkable increase, and the charity relies heavily on the generosity of donors and fundraisers to meet this growing demand and sustain its essential work.

Vetlife Website Call Vetlife 03030402551



Download The Vetlife Information Pack

The new Vetlife information pack highlights the support #Vetlife provides, gives tips on raising awareness about its services, links to valuable resources, and ways you can give back.

Vetlife can also provide individualised support to practices and individuals who have experienced a suicide through its Postvention Service. If you are a UK veterinary professional who has been affected by suicide or wants support for a veterinary workplace, please contact Helpline.

Call Helpline on 0303 040 2551.

Download for free via Vetlife’s website. Download Pack