TVM UK Animal Health

Kirtlington Business Centre, Slade Farm, Kirtlington, OX5 3JA


Phone Email (Emails may take up to two working days for a reply. Anything urgent / adverse reactions etc please ring)

Territory Manager Map

TVM UK is an animal health company dedicated to the health and well-being of pets and to the support of vets and pet owners.
Through the provision of important products and the creation of educational support materials, we aim to improve the quality of life of pets in your care.

TVM specialise in several key areas such as poisoning, ophthalmology, neurology and behaviour.

Key Products

Ophthalmology – Stromease, Remend. Poisoning – Emedog, Carbodote. Neurology – Soliphen, Vetbromide. Behaviour – Sileo.

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